Monday, October 29, 2007

Did you know....?

Just found out some whacky information that I feel obliged to share, despite the fact that it may seem somewhat seemed important that I tell you... I just found out that men can breast feed. They have all the tools required, if they try. Apparently there have been reported cases of babies surviving off milk they get from their fathers.... and apparently it was done in biblical times. And other mammals have done it as well.. Check out this website that gives more instances. I also found an interesting Australian short film that talks about it as well.... hmmmmm

Milk Men by Peter Templeman


I_Am_Who_I_Am said...


Stephanie said...

You do not need to be deported!!! I only knew most of them because I am currently in Political Science/The American Constituion so my mind has been refreshed of these things. ;D

Holly G said...

Once again, your child is absolutely adorable. I keep saying that, but I keep thinking it too. Oh--I like your updated banner/topper thing on teh blog.

But maybe you should be deported :).


LeviZoe said...

hey holly -- i guess i keep posting her pix b/c i'm of the same opinion....

i thought you all were going to have me deported because i talked about men breastfeeding. i know that's what jeff wants.... ; )