Saturday, October 13, 2007

cute thing done by zoe

so zoe did something really cute a few days ago which i must relate...

she has been smiling sporadicallyhere for several weeks but they were usually only half smiles -- technically of course she was smiling long before that, but those were supposedly gas-powered smiles only. (of course i like to count the 3 smiles she did on the 3rd or 4th night in the hospital because each one came after i had made a joke....but per all the "experts" those are just some kinda reflex)

anyway, she's been doing this thing where sometimes when she nurses she smiles a little bit and keeps going. i couldn't tell if it was one of those gas-powered smiles (they kind of give her a spacey look because of how big they are). so, i noted how cute they were and wondered if it was just gas or if she was having some kind of fond memory of something amusing from her short history. well, the other day, she not only smiled as she was nursing -- she also laughed -- out loud. at first i wasn't sure she really did it, because it was so cute -- so she did it again! I must have humor just flowing through my veins.... : )

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Heather- I am sure Zoe is laughing at your jokes, and remembers all of them, along with Jeff's and the fun things your dogs do. Don't listen to those baby experts!

Hey- I am trying to breath new life into my blog- but thought I had to have an exciting life first!

Well, I have to face the not-so-lively life, and will try to stay in touch & not try too hard to be witty.

Love y'all- Tammy