Friday, November 9, 2007

thum thucking not allowed

zoe's never been much of a girl for pacifiers-- well not entirely true -- she did fine with them in the hospital. now however, she eschews them mostly. she also is starting to have mixed feelings about bottles. true they give a rush of warm milk to the tummy, but they are also made of rubber. so she's found a fleshy alternative that she's fond of -- her fist. in fact, a few times when i have fed her a bottle lately, she does this: chews on the nipple to decide if she should drink it, starts to drink, and then midway thru, replaces the nipple with her fist. i think she would have consumed her entire hand if i had not removed it from her mouth.

so now we are removing her hand from her fist or covering it with her sleeve. she's almost discovered her thumb on a few occasions, so i try to remove the hand and find a distraction...altho i'm sure she would look cute sucking her thumb, i don't want to deal with future dental problems.

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