Saturday, December 22, 2007

Post your Dickensian names here...

c'mon Holly --what should he be named....?  Hardy 
Bilibous Snout?  Alfred B Picclenez? Reginald James Beedily?


Stephanie said...

hahah! This looks like a fun program! I want to make funny pics!! Hope you are well and ready for Christmas!!!!

redhead83402 said...

how about Donald P. Rhinefester, or perhaps Nigel N. Nosterbrocker, or maybe even Dr. Nostrum L. Doolittle? :-D
By the by, we were so thrilled with the hilarious can of olives that even though the olives have long since been devoured, the lively familia de noserbrinkers has lived on in infamy upon our pantry shelf, giving high humour to one & all who sally forth & venture to open said pantry door.
~ Carer

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks -- I think Israel was scared and disgusted by them -- so I'm glad you could see the humor : )