My sister Angela (hi Ang) -- has been very helpful with tending Zoe when I am in the office. Today, Rolf her 2 year old had fun decorating Zoe with stickers.
it's been such a long time since i've written -- and zoe is so different from the last time I checked in with the blog. She has a new nickname -- Mrs. Baby Lady. She says more things, she crawls, she has a few teeth. All these new little personality traits coming out. She's really quite adorable, and yes I am biased. But I'll be posting a few vids for y'all to contemplate.
Here she is below playing with the keyboard. She does more with the keyboard then shown in this video -- she's really good at changing the rhythms and adjusting dials. She's especially fond of the Wa Wa bender.
In fact, I have been taking this mom & baby yoga class, which has given her a chance to practice her skills with buttons & dials. She is the only crawler in the room; the other babies are relatively stationary. To keep the mood all calm and Namaste, they play your typical Eastern chanting type songs -- softly and quietly, so as to be soft and quiet, I guess.
She made everyone laugh when she crawled over and cranked up the music really loud. I guess she wanted to hear it better. She was the DJ for the day, or so said the instructor. I guess she doesn't know what DJ means, because it really upset her and she started to cry. 'Course we all thought she was adorable....